Calamba Laguna: call for donations #ReliefPH #TaalEruption2020

POSTED ON January 17, 2020 AT 1:53 pm

The LPU-St.Cabrini School of Health Sciences Inc., is calling for donations for its relief operations, specifically the following:

hygiene kit (alcohol, tissue roll, shampoo. toothbrush, toothpaste, bath soap & insect repellant)
sleeping mat
bath towels

Cash donations can be deposited to the following:
BPI Account
Mark Kerwin Sayas
Metrobank Account
Aldrin Harvey Morcilla
Aldrin Jay Agra

Contact the following for details:
Mark Sayas at 0977-8239912
Leila Demegillo at 0906-3526322
Julia Valdemar at 0928-0997559

Relief Effort Locations

Requirements & Pledges

@ReliefPHcom | | +63 908 863 1192